Learning is a continuous process that happens at all times, from the time we are born until we die.

Much of this learning is acquired in schools, colleges, universities.

But the overwhelming majority of this learning is acquired outside these centers of knowledge.

From small training courses and courses, through active participation in civic movements and social works, to the practice of sports, as well as hobbies, all of this teaches us, in all of this we learn, and a lot.

However, all this learning, all this training, is not recognized, it is not certified, we do not have proof that we have it and that we have acquired it.

It is to fill this gap that the Imperial Academy of Advanced Sciences created the International Academic Recognition Organization (IARO) and, with it, the International Academic Recognition System (IARS).

This system, integrated in the ENIC-NARIC network (www.enic-naric.net), comprising more than 55 countries, is based on the Lisbon Convention for the Recognition of Competences and is supervised by both UNESCO of the United Nations and the European Commission. .

Using this serious, well-defined and transparent methodology, the IARS, based on becomes an accessible platform for anyone who wants to internationalize their national skills.


The great innovation of the IARS is to allow the transition between informal learning and formal learning, framing informal learning in the formal certification system and issuing a certificate that proves this learning, knowledge and skills.


  • Short-term training that, together, form a higher certification;
  • Training acquired for a specific context (eg access to a profession and authorization) which, outside this framework, may assume greater relevance and importance;
  • Training acquired at the local and regional level that can obtain international certification;
  • Experiences and participation in associations, collectivities, movements and projects that demonstrate, through the results obtained, the possession of skills, knowledge and abilities that can be certified in a formal system.

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